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Whispy Twinkle Trees - 30+ Leaf | Swaying Leaves

Whispy Twinkle Trees - 30+ Leaf | Swaying Leaves

○○○See video below to sample the presets.

Thanks for your interest in my whispy twinkle trees, Superpack version.

There are 7 meshes packaged within, all meshes are copy & modify - custom-written scripts are not mod.

The overall purpose of these trees is to compliment existing forests with a quickly customizable set of fantasy trees.

Here is some quick info about them:

•2-3 land impact each tree
• 30 Leaf Textures
-> 10 Pastels
-> 6 Assorted Greens
-> 10 Assorted Autumns
-> 4 Dark Spooky
-> 9 Preset Themes:
◘ Greens
◘ Autumn
◘ Autumn Golds
◘ Dark Fantasy
◘ Spooky Fantasy
◘ Pastels
◘ Pastels Warm
◘ Pastels Cool
◘ Anke Mix

• 10 Bark Textures
-> 10 textures in a range of options individually.
◘ Mixed ALL
◘ Mixed Darks
◘ Mixed Mediums
◘ 1x Snowy

• 2 Options for swaying animated leaves~
-> Subtle but noticeable difference in the way they move, try both.
◘ Pause for photography

• 3 Options for materials to enhance
-> Normal, Wet, Opalescent

• 3 Optionally Twinkling Trees.
-> Tree A, B, & C come with or without twinkles
◘ Tree D only has with twinkles option

• All original mesh, completely custom scripting, and hand drawn textures throughout!

• Although the textures match our Fluffy Foliage set, these are not compatible with Fluffy Foliage version scripts, so please continue to use separate scripts and HUDs.

♥♥♥♥A warning about editing and linking these trees♥♥♥♥

• If you link them to each other, be sure to remove the script in ALL except 1 or you will be provided with ~unpredictable~ results.

• Linked trees will all be the same for Preset Theme buttons, randomization no longer applies on an individual basis.
-> This can be useful if you want to randomize based on smaller clustered groups.

• Don't link other non-Whispy Tree items which are not included specifically in this box to the trees while they have scripts, or you will be provided with ~unpredictable~ and ♦PERMANENT♦ results that you may not like that may or may not ♫ruin♫ these other items.

• Changing the name or description of any tree object or linked object from what they ship with will provide you with ~unpredictable~ results.

♥♥♥♥ Edit at your own risk, if you *mess up your *stuff w/o backups don't @ me ♥♥♥♥

Known issues:
• When changing many textures at once, sometimes a material face may visually get stuck on an old texture. This is annoying, but it is only a visual bug from SL itself - if you leave and return, shift copy the tree, or just wait until it refreshes it will fix itself on your end. This does mean it can be inconsistent across clients.

• Imperfect seaming exists on these trees, it is not likely to be fixed. They are meant to be flexible and easily retexturable by others, however many of the X-trees and trunks of other trees are not hero assets & not meant to be. These are filler trees.

These trees are great for creating your own unique forest at a whim~ I hope you will enjoy them.


See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Simple, low prim, and a great filler plant for big forests
  • 100% Mesh, Copyable, Unique hand drawn texturing
  • All original design, hand-made low poly low lag, moves with the wind or breeze
  • Includes live bright summer or spring green, pastel pink for spring, snowy white
  • As well as autumn hues. Materials enhanced, with fantasy specular and normals
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 30, 2022 by MelissaJBenelli

Perfect, a realistic gentle sway. Hud has many options. Thank you.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 24, 2022 by Angelic Aura

Very nice set of trees! The hud provides many options! The trees are low LI too! Thank you Anke!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 24, 2022 by Sneak Whisperwind

I love the hud feature with these trees. So many possibillites

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