○○○See video below to sample the presets.
Thanks for your interest in my whispy twinkle trees, Superpack version.
There are 7 meshes packaged within, all meshes are copy & modify - custom-written scripts are not mod.
The overall purpose of these trees is to compliment existing forests with a quickly customizable set of fantasy trees.
Here is some quick info about them:
•2-3 land impact each tree
• 30 Leaf Textures
-> 10 Pastels
-> 6 Assorted Greens
-> 10 Assorted Autumns
-> 4 Dark Spooky
-> 9 Preset Themes:
◘ Greens
◘ Autumn
◘ Autumn Golds
◘ Dark Fantasy
◘ Spooky Fantasy
◘ Pastels
◘ Pastels Warm
◘ Pastels Cool
◘ Anke Mix
• 10 Bark Textures
-> 10 textures in a range of options individually.
◘ Mixed ALL
◘ Mixed Darks
◘ Mixed Mediums
◘ 1x Snowy
• 2 Options for swaying animated leaves~
-> Subtle but noticeable difference in the way they move, try both.
◘ Pause for photography
• 3 Options for materials to enhance
-> Normal, Wet, Opalescent
• 3 Optionally Twinkling Trees.
-> Tree A, B, & C come with or without twinkles
◘ Tree D only has with twinkles option
• All original mesh, completely custom scripting, and hand drawn textures throughout!
• Although the textures match our Fluffy Foliage set, these are not compatible with Fluffy Foliage version scripts, so please continue to use separate scripts and HUDs.
♥♥♥♥A warning about editing and linking these trees♥♥♥♥
• If you link them to each other, be sure to remove the script in ALL except 1 or you will be provided with ~unpredictable~ results.
• Linked trees will all be the same for Preset Theme buttons, randomization no longer applies on an individual basis.
-> This can be useful if you want to randomize based on smaller clustered groups.
• Don't link other non-Whispy Tree items which are not included specifically in this box to the trees while they have scripts, or you will be provided with ~unpredictable~ and ♦PERMANENT♦ results that you may not like that may or may not ♫ruin♫ these other items.
• Changing the name or description of any tree object or linked object from what they ship with will provide you with ~unpredictable~ results.
♥♥♥♥ Edit at your own risk, if you *mess up your *stuff w/o backups don't @ me ♥♥♥♥
Known issues:
• When changing many textures at once, sometimes a material face may visually get stuck on an old texture. This is annoying, but it is only a visual bug from SL itself - if you leave and return, shift copy the tree, or just wait until it refreshes it will fix itself on your end. This does mean it can be inconsistent across clients.
• Imperfect seaming exists on these trees, it is not likely to be fixed. They are meant to be flexible and easily retexturable by others, however many of the X-trees and trunks of other trees are not hero assets & not meant to be. These are filler trees.
These trees are great for creating your own unique forest at a whim~ I hope you will enjoy them.
See item in Second Life View Video »- Simple, low prim, and a great filler plant for big forests
- 100% Mesh, Copyable, Unique hand drawn texturing
- All original design, hand-made low poly low lag, moves with the wind or breeze
- Includes live bright summer or spring green, pastel pink for spring, snowy white
- As well as autumn hues. Materials enhanced, with fantasy specular and normals
Perfect, a realistic gentle sway. Hud has many options. Thank you.
Very nice set of trees! The hud provides many options! The trees are low LI too! Thank you Anke!
I love the hud feature with these trees. So many possibillites