The Wingsong Canoe ADD V2 is a wearable attachment; it goes anywhere you go and it does not support passengers.
You get FOUR items with this:
(A) your canoe
(B) your paddle
(C) your hud
(D) your cane pole
1 - Turn off or disable other AO's. ADD your Wingsong Canoe ADD V2, Wingsong Canoe Paddle for ADD, and Wingsong Canoe HUD. For fishing, replace the paddle with either a third party fishing rod (not included) or the Wingsong Canoe Cane Pole (included). Move using normal movement keys.
2 - Your canoe floats over any natural linden water.
3 - Select from 12 looped sounds when you click on canoe's rim. Additionally, we've installed an ambient sound engine that plays intermittent, random nature noises (touch the stern to toggle these on or off). We only put in a few sound clips but you can add your own by going into the EDIT tool, selecting EDIT LINK, clicking on the stern, clicking on the CONTENT tab, and dragging any clip in your inventory into the CONTENT tab. Your sound engine will be automatically updated.
4 - Although the canoe is COPY/MOD, we have installed a convenient onboard texture changing system. To change the finish of your canoe type "/72" followed by a letter "a - j" in local chat, without the quotes. The letters each represent one of the textures. For example, to change to the texture associated with the letter f, I would type:
/72 f
in the local chat window.
You can easily add MORE textures by simply dragging your own into the plate's CONTENT TAB using your Edit tool (drag your texture from your inventory), then change the name to a letter (a - l). You have a maximum total of 17 textures, and you can delete some of the preinstalled ones to make more room for yours.
5 - Your canoe is embedded with a dual animation system featuring authentic Wingsong animations. Your canoe has a very simple onboard animation system and an adjunct HUD; for best results, ADD the included Wingsong Canoe HUD. See below for simple operating instructions.
6 - Your Wingsong Canoe HUD has the following components: A) compass, (B) cruise control, (C) altimeter, (D) animation control.
To select your speed, simply type "/39 x" (without quotes) where "x" equals meters per second you want to go. NOTE: I strongly discourage you going faster than 60 or so mps. Seriously. I lost my false teeth going 100 mps once. Not fun.
To choose between rowing, sitting, or fishing click on the bottom black and white icon and select your animation.
7 - For fishing, you can use most of the brand name rods for tournament play or the enclosed FREE Wingsong Canoe Cane Pole for nontournament play. NOTE: Most rods will NOT animate, though they will catch fish using the specific brand's protocols. If you have any questions about this feature please let me know.
8 - Your canoe is COPY/MOD, so make all the copies you want and recolor, redecorate, resize, retexture, reDO to make it fit YOUR specs! In your inventory it may appear to be no copy because of the proprietary scripts; you can copy it by rezzing it to the ground and saving the rezzed copy.
Don't be misled by the low cost of our items. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support, and sell ALOT of doodads.
For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
See our large collection of boats at our Marketplace store: keyword: boat.
See item in Second LifeGreat Product at a Very Reasonable Price
I like this canoe because it is "wearable", meaning I can use it in any SL world, even where rezzing is not allowed. Also appreciate a few extras, such as "bounce", water sounds, etc. Wingsong Dojo offers very inexpensive products with an emphasis on "whimsical" attitude. Even though this canoe (or most of their other wearable vehicle products) is not what I would call sleek, classy, or sporty, Wingsong products get me out on the roads or waters of SL.