Wingsong MAGIC FISHING Rubber Duck ADD with OverRide
NOTE: This is a WEARABLE attachment - it goes everywhere you go and it does not support passengers.
We love to fish at the Wingsong Dojo. Shoot, we love to fish ANYWHERE!
You might know by now that I don't like STANDING too much. Especially when I'm fishing, I enjoy a good solid seat. I also like a boat. Sometimes I combine the two into a single doodad. This duck does triple duty as a fun fishing boat, a rideable pet, and a great place to sit while you're fishing.
The Wingsong MAGIC FISHING Rubber Duck ADD with OverRide is designed specifically for use with the MAGIC FISHING rod. Many of our other fishing rods are compatible with the MAGIC FISHING rod, but we make some items, like this one, specifically for MAGIC FISHING.
This duck is also compatible with most 7Seas rods, and Fish Hunt's Deluxe and Magic rods. It is specifically NOT compatible with Fish Hunt's Beginner's and Pro rods. If you have any questions about compatibility issues, please IM Kit Ciaco.
We also make a bunch of ducks, rubber and otherwise.
Our "with OverRide" items are embedded with Wingsong animations that take over the animation system altogether and include very realistic casting animations that are NOT synchronized with the rod.
NOTE: This is a WEARABLE attachment - it goes everywhere you go and it does not support passengers.
1 - Turn off or disable other Animation Overrides.
2 - ADD your MAGIC FISHING DELUXE ROD (available FREE through the Marketplace as well as many vendors inworld). ADD your duck.
3 - CAST by touching your FISH HUNT rod. Remember; your avatar will cast using the Wingsong animation, which is not synchronized to the rod. The animation is very realistic and relaxing.
4 - Your duck floats on any body of natural linden water - it will not float on artificial water.
5 - Your duck's eyes are well animated, looking around quite a bit with interest in what is happening. This gives him/her alot of personality and adorability.
6 - Your duck has a triple audio system. (A) Click on its head for a menu of 4 quacks. (B) You duck will randomly quack every 4 - 6 minutes. You can toggle this function on and off by clicking the main body of your duck. (C) There is a gentle, low volume surf sound; toggle this on and off by clicking on your duck's bill.
For questions or a live demonstration of this or any of our fine/fun Wingsong products, IM Kit Ciaco!
Don't be misled by the low cost of our items - we make great products and sell for low prices to make our doodads available to people on all budgets. We can afford to do this because we create excellent items and provide excellent customer service and support.
See our line of magic fishing doodads at our Marketplace store: keyword: mf.
See item in Second LifeL$ 15
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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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