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Winter Coat ~Fat Pack~ by Caverna Obscura

Winter Coat ~Fat Pack~ by Caverna Obscura

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And here is little something to keep you warm (well, relatively! :P) at those freezing winter nights: a sexy Winter Coat by Caverna Obscura with the cutest elven hood! ^^ This Fat Pack contains all 6 colors available. If you are interested only in 1 color, please see RELATED ITEMS below ☟

It’s made of sculpted prims, hence the skirt and the sleeves are not flexi. I'm also not sure whether it would fit full figures with large bottoms, although it's modifiable and you can try to stretch it.

Each color set includes: jacket, underpants, stockings, sculpted hood-down + fur ball buttons, sculpted hood-up, sculpted collar + fur ball buttons (to wear with hood-up), sculpted skirt, sculpted sleeves. All clothing layers are NO MOD!

See all the pictures for more details!

✿TIP: Also check out Winter Sets by Caverna Obscura!! (see RELATED ITEMS ☟ )

Please visit Caverna Obscura shoppe for more high quality original fantasy female outfits and footwear at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Alligator%20Bayou/43/35/545

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Clothing layers: jacket, underpants, stockings
  • sculpted prim fur trimmed hood
  • Sculpted prim fur trimmed skirt and sleeves
  • prim parts copy/mod; clothing layers no mod/copy
  • furball buttons