And here is little something to keep you warm (well, relatively! :P) at those freesing winter nights: a sexy Winter Coat in BLUE by Caverna Obscura with the cutest elven hood! ^^
It’s made almost completely of sculpted prims (except of fur balls), hence the skirt and the sleeves are not flexi.
The set includes: jacket, underpants, stockings, sculpted hood-down + fur ball buttons, sculpted hood-up, sculpted collar + fur ball buttons (to wear with hood-up), sculpted skirt, sculpted sleeves. All clothing layers are NO MOD!
See all the pictures for more details!
✿TIP: Also check out this Winter Coat in RED by Caverna Obscura!!
Please visit Caverna Obscura shoppe for more high quality original fantasy female outfits and footwear at:
Keywords: sculpted prims elven fantasy winter coat christmas Xmas sculptie elf elven medieval vintage fur hood fae faerie fairy
Second Life の商品を表示- Clothing layers: jacket, underpants, stockings
- sculpted prim fur trimmed hood
- Sculpted prim fur trimmed skirt and sleeves
- prim parts copy/mod; clothing layers no mod/copy
- furball buttons
And should be for the price!
This coat is absolutely fabulous! It fits perfect and looks great...I love it! Wonderful quality, well worth the money...keep up the good work!