Witch Brooms
Now you can also fly like a witch. Just wear the brooms and you can fly around.
The poses are hovering so it will look if you are floating in the air.
You can change the color of the broom(head) by touch into purple,green,orange or straw color
You get 4 brooms, each with a different hovering pose. All are Copy/Modify, except for the script & animations, these are copy only.
The broom with the witch fly/sit animations has 3 a animations which can be chosen by menu. Just click the broom stick and choose the animation you like.
**If there are any issues or questions, please send an im to Spinnetje Jewell**
A unique item
I love it, its got an AO of its own and color changing toggles
Its a very very good broom
Yeah so only issue is on lazy 1 i think rigged eyes mess up, but other then that, i love it fully, took a chance on it and haven't regretted it