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Wrestling Bell

Wrestling Bell

A wrestling bell. Attaches to the right hand or the owner can touch the bell to trigger the sound. It may also be remotely triggered by the owner via a chat command.

  • Simple Mesh Object
  • Included Sound
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Not bad for 7L
full star full star full star full star empty star 掲載済み 2019/03/21 : Witchy Ravenhurst

The bell is pretty basic, but I just needed a bell that rang once every time you hit it. The ad says that it's Copy & mod, but no Transfer, when in fact it's Trans only. You can't copy it so don't lose it in your inventory, but if you do, at least it's only 7 Linden.

A very nice bell
full star full star full star empty star empty star 掲載済み 2015/12/25 : MystreLoverly Wrigglesworth

works wonderfully, just the perms are a bit off, add claims Copy/Mod/Not Trans when it's actually No Copy/No Mod/Trans.
Otherwise I like it! :-)
