This is the simple option of this professional runway. It contains:
- Backtage shaped in T with spotlight
- Invisible guard rail
- 2 side stairs on the main stage
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Thank you!
- Backstage
- Invisible guard rail
- Spotlights
Total waste of money ~ huge and poorly made`
When you Rez this, it will fill your sim. It's big enough for giants 20x our size!
Useless because, first, it's insanely big and can't easily be resized smaller, because it has lots of tiny parts. It would be far easier to create a new proper mesh model than to edit this one to fit, and when you've done that, you'll end up with trash anyway.
What this looks to me to be is some free mesh model that somebody uploaded then discovered they couldn't actually use, so they put it on sale for gullible people to purchase.
Horrible waste of time and money.