Classic Machete
This item WILL WORK with GCS, but only at GCS sims which allow the use of 3rd-party weapons. This item is not officially supported or endorsed by GCS. It will not work with the GCS HUD.
Modeling, Texturing, Animations & Scripting by Dreizehn Kozlov
A military-issue machete. Perfect for hacking off limbs, from both plants, and... not... plants....
"It was generally good practice to keep some kind of edged weapon handy. Combat in the urban areas tended to get up close very quickly. Most of the regulars were equipped with machetes, which could really save you in a messy situation. Well, I suppose it'd still be messy... but maybe less so for you."
-The Classic Machete
-A custom, scripted sheathe for the machete
-A set of gestures to draw/sheath the machete
-Instructions Manual
The Classic Machete is designed to be used in mouselook. Arrow keys move your avatar as normal, mouselook click to swing the machete. Outside (and inside) of mouselook, you can also press FWD and BACK at the same time to swing.
Note that swings will only connect if your target is within a 60-degree cone in front of your aiming point when you make the swing.
The Classic Machete features a simple RP mode that toggles blood effects. When RP mode is on, swings that connect with a target will spray blood. The cutting edge of the machete will also become splattered with blood. You can clean the edge of the machete using the command 'clean.'
(Chat commands work on channels 0 and 29, and can also be accessed via menu by touching the weapon)
(Most commands use the '.' operator or 'space' for extra functions)
Menu – brings up the weapon menu
Skins - brings up the skins menu
RP Mode - toggles RP mode
Trails - opens edge trail FX menu
Clean - cleans blade edge of blood
-Carbon (black)
-Steel (grey)
-OD (olive drab)
-Zombie (neon green)
Infantry (Avatars)
The Classic Machete will instantly kill unarmored opponents. Its range is fairly standard for a melee weapon, but its broad edge gives it a wide (60-degree) lethal radius. If you're up against infantry units with guns, you're likely to be outmatched. If you insist on engaging, your best bet is to keep moving. Weave and jump around enemy fire until you can get close enough to attack, then charge ahead swinging wildly like a madman. Certainly not graceful, but it's not exactly the most elegant weapon to begin with.
Zombies (Scripted objects)
The Classic Machete deals about 10HP damage per hit against scripted objects such as GCS zombies. This is usually a one-hit-kill, so you can regard the machete as being extremely effective against zombies. However, you'll have to get rather uncomfortably close to your target. As most zombies deal damage to you on contact, the best strategy is to allow them to come to you. If you keep backpedaling and allow them to chase you, you have a good chance of keeping them within melee distance without getting damaged yourself.
The Classic Machete is not designed for use against vehicles. It may do some damage, but considering the armor and armaments of most vehicles, it's basically a suicide mission. If you do manage to kill a vehicle with the machete, congratulations, because that's pretty damn insane.
-Attack delay: 0.75 seconds
-HP Damage (per hit): 10 HP
-LCS Damage (per hit): 100
-Melee Radius: 3 meters
-Attack Patterns: 4
-3 scripts, 96kb total script memory
- Hyper-detailed Mesh construction
- Advanced Materials details & particle effects
- Customisable, with independently-set skins & FX
- Perfect for PvP or GCS combat
- Free automatic updating
Worked nicely
Wanted this to use on my post apocalyptic look and worked pretty good. Cannot say much about combat use though, since it's mostly a prop for me.
It kinda worked!
Once having it on, I had to use the animation given with the machete in order for it to be unsheathed... (otherwise I couldn't see it at all) but I was able to get the shot I was trying to get for a photo challenge.. so for the most part, I was happy with it.
NICE but with issues
Buggs with animations when attacking (get frozen) ... hope get a answer soon from the builder
Great RP tool and weapon.
This became my machete of choice, and I usually carry one...! I have tried many others, some even more expansive, but they are no match for this one. The possibility to change the color of the sheath, handle and blade, and keep the blade clean or stained progressively with blood when in RP mode is just awesome! And also guarantee you have a weapon that will match your style of clothes or uniform.
The animation of the drawing works cool, but I miss that it doesn't have one for the slinging action.
For this price, a must have.
Best for slashing some zombies and not only zombies! xD
Very nice model and sounds, good animations and many types of skins! Awesome as always!^^