M41S Combat Gas Mask
Modeling & texturing by Jinx Niseru
Scripting by Dreizehn Kozlov
Complete script overhaul. Script memory cut down from 400kb to 48kb. All known bugs and quirks ironed out. Automatic updating feature added.
Let’s face it, you need air. Not only do you need air, but you need clean air, free from dust, biological weapons, or zombifying mutagens. That’s why we made the M41S gas mask. And not only does it keep you fully stocked on fresh, pathogen-free oxygen, but it makes you look scary. Because once you get over the euphoria that comes with being able to breathe, you still have a lot of things trying to kill you, and it sure might help to look intimidating. And be able to breathe.
- Extensive detailing, while maintaining a low server impact
- Customizable filter setup
- 5 mask and filter colors that can be set individually
- 7 lens setups
- Subtle particle effect
- Full sounds
The gasmask lets you toggle one of three filter arrangements: left only, right only, or both. The mask and filter colours can be set independently and each have their own menus. Lenses come in a variety of shades in both normal and cracked forms. Sounds and particles can be toggled on or off.
NOTE: When first setting up lenses, pick CRACKED or INTACT before you pick the color. Once a lens setup has been established, the script will remember your choices and you'll be able to freely toggle lenses or cracked/uncracked.
Mask/Filters: Black, white, olive green, desert tan, pink
Lenses: Dark tint, medium tint, low tint, clear
(chat commands are on channels 0 and 71, or touch for the full menu)
mask menu- opens the main menu
filters – opens the filter setup menu
lenses – opens the lens setup menu
straps – turns on head straps
no straps – turns of head straps, for use under helmets or hats
sounds – turns on breathing sounds
no sounds – turns off sounds
colors – opens the mask & filter color menu
- 100% Mesh, high-detail construction
- Customizable colors, filters, and lenses
- FX, including sounds & particles
- Mod/copy, no trans
- Free Automatic Updating
One of the best!
A great gas mask for a very affordable price, has a lot of customization options for it too like sounds, different lenses opacity, filters, colors, etc.
Highly recommended!
- Umfangreiche Detaillierung bei geringer Serverbelastung
- Anpassbare Filtereinrichtung
- 5 Masken- und Filterfarben, die individuell eingestellt werden können
- 7 Objektiveinstellungen
- Subtiler Partikeleffekt
- Volle Töne
Ist das unvollständig nur die Maske angekommen oder bin ich ein Idiot?
I absolutely like it!
Awesome gasmask, very high-detailed and customizable. Sounds and effects looks very realistic. Absolutely nice product of Z-DAY, as always!^^
absolute wonderful
I did not imagine that for such a low price I could find a respirator so complete. has everything a respirator do. practically an article that is perfect in every environment. Simulation breathing space, or a post-apocalyptic killer, a simple demented or even a soldier in a chemical area, whatever you have in mind, this mask can give you any feeling. I love it and I can not help but thank the creator of this article. great work Z-DAY as always :D
Why would you get anything else?
As someone (like many others on SL I'm sure) that's had to wear one of these, they got this right down to the straps. Between how sweet it looks, the price, it's customization options, and how almost every other gas mask on the marketplace looks like they're meant for cyber parties and raves rather than actual tactical gear, WHY would you get anything else?