G Général

.:buddhabeats:. Asian Cabinet 2012

.:buddhabeats:. Asian Cabinet 2012

Antique design. Asian style. Avantgarde technology - the Asian Cabinet 2012.

This is an unique piece of furniture for lovers of extraordinary style.
An antique asian cabinet with typical shoji grid doors - of course lockable.
Did i mention these doors can be set to your favourite color?
Modern technology lets you choose from 65.000 colors - just by two touches.
Simple and intuitive, with a built in touch panel that appears only when needed.

Technology from tommorrow with the style from yesterday.
This cabinet is also very sustainable - i took care to cause minimal impact on your prim and script ressources.
The script uses only 16k memory and 0.000391ms script time when in standby.
The touch panel is only rezzed when needed and doesnt even count on your land prim count!
It automatically derezzes after 30 seconds, the sideboard shuts down all listeners and returns to standby.

Loving the good old times - looking forward into the future!


90% mesh (the floor shadow is a regular prim).
5 prims.
copy, no mod, no trans.
ca 0.9x 1.8x 2.3m sized.
doors are really opening - and lockable, of course!
smart touch control.
65.000 door colors with the easy to use color picker.
toggleable ground shadow - if your pc is strong enough for dynamic shadows.
low lag - only one script inside (16kb / 0.000391ms script time).
unscripted version included.


1. Touch the cabinet to open or close the doors.

1. Touch the cabinet and hold the mouse button for a while.
2. The cabinet will "ownersay" a message and the doors are either locked or unlocked.
3. Do not worry if you still can open the doors - they are always open to the owner.

1. Touch the cabinets legs or the lower panel between the legs.
2. The cabinet will "ownersay" a message and rez the control panel in front of the cabinet.
3. This can take 3 - 10 seconds, depending on environment lag.
4. Choose your favourite color from the panel and adjust the brightness.
5. Touch the cabinet again to derez the control panel or just wait for the auto delete.

1. Touch the cabinets legs or the lower panel between the legs.
2. The cabinet will "ownersay" a message and rez the control panel in front of the cabinet.
3. This can take 3 - 10 seconds, depending on environment lag.
4. Locate the "shadow button" on the lower right corner of the color picker. Touch it.
5. Touch the cabinet again to derez the control panel or just wait for the auto delete.

If you have any further questions regarding this or other .:buddhabeats:. products, please dont hesitate to IM me.


Roopert Huldschinsky

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 90% mesh (the floor shadow is a regular prim).
  • ca 0.9x 1.8x 2.3m sized.
  • doors are really opening - and lockable, of course!
  • 65.000 door colors with the easy to use color picker.
  • low lag - only one script inside (16kb / 0.000391ms script time).