NO LAG! Only ONE script for HUD and only ONE script for dress !
The HUD and dress are operated by only ONE script, and this script only
uses 16 kb LSL compile (slow) or 64 kb Mono compile (fast) mode;
- AUTO detect and OPTIMIZE itself for object type, prim count and face/material count ( MAX SPEED );
- HUD RUNS on NO SCRIPT lands;
|| 5 Sizes
|| Colors:
Cherry, Sky, Grayscale, Lilla, Sage, Brun
Demo expires after some minutes... :(
After some minutes, this msg was sent to me:
"Time out, thank you for trying this demo. It have been detached..
Thank you to tried this demo version, but you can not wear it again."
C'mon, how do you want me to buy it if I dont even have time to try it???
demo expires after 5 mins
so first.. i had to pay for this demo, which kind of sucks.. and then when i received it, i discovered that it has a timer on it so that after 5 mins it detaches and can never be tried on again. it has a huge demo sign sticking off to the side, so its not like im going to be wearing the demo around everywhere. this makes me so angry, i spent 3 of the 5 minutes trying to adjust my lolas to see if they were going to work, and then only had two minutes to look at the dress to check the quality before it disappeared.
i very rarely leave reviews, but this is ridiculous.