G Generell

[ht+] orthodontic headgear Version 1.11

[ht+] orthodontic headgear

A teenager's worst nightmare has just happened to you - your dentist fitted you with braces! And to add insult to injury, you have to wear this humiliating headgear, too!

Please note: This headgear does NOT grant you mind control abilities!
MESH product - requires SL 3.x or compatible viewer!

- unisex, suitable for all ages
- 100% original mesh & textures, materials enabled
- texture-change HUD with 25 colours to choose from, 5 texturable areas
- one solid mesh object - easy to adjust

We put in a lot of thought and effort to make our products as comfortable and easy to use as possible.

If you have any suggestions, questions about or need help with our products, please don't hesitate to consult Corvus Szpiegel inworld via IM!

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  • unisex
  • 100% original mesh & textures
  • materials enabled
  • 25 colours
  • one solid mesh object - easy to adjust