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hud scythe

hud scythe

HUD scythe

Armar de combate estilo foice com otima qualidade.

Este produto contem um Hud e uma Scythe adicionado ao corpo do avatar.

- assistente de velocidade de 4 direções .
- 5 poderes.

-Scythe na mao e na costa.

Sempre que ativar um poder, o seu avatar vai retirar o Scythe da costa e colocar na mão para jogar ou bater no inimigo.


Sickle style combat arm with excellent quality.

This product contains a Hud and Scythe added to the avatar body.

- 4-way speed assistant.
- 5 powers.

-Scythe in the hand and on the coast.

Whenever you activate a power, your avatar will remove the Scythe from the shore and put in the hand to play or hit the enemy.

  • hud scythe
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It's cool but there is one little problem
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted September 28, 2020 by PrincessAdrii1

It's a fun little hud but the only problem is the second power gives me a script error but other then that it's pretty fun

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