This product may read as no-mod in-world, due to the auto-hide scripts, but you should be able to modify the textures without issue. My marketplace clothing will ALWAYS be modify.
My AO/UV/Normal maps are included if you'd like to modify this garment. Textures you create for my items can be sold - if you're interested in selling textures for my clothing, please look at the picks in my profile to see my requirements for selling textures.
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Looks good, but isn't rigged right for the Freya.
You can't alpha it away either, there's an issue with the butt area that either leaves parts sticking out, or an invisible hole in your back because of the design. The skirt also pokes out much further than whatever your butt size is at. Tried contacting the creator twice a few months about it, but nothing came from that.
Maitreya version is rigged fine though, if you want to use this on that.