ver3.1 (2015/03/23)
fix Accelerator script & Particle script
------- control keys ---------
W or up arrow is speed up.
S or down arrow is slowdoun.
A or left arrow is turn left.
D or right arrow is turn right.
shift + D or right arrow is stop & moor
shift + A or left arrow is engine stop.
E or page up is start or Cruise on.
C or page down is Cruise off.
------- click the body to open menu.-------
Owner menu is driver mode or select coior.
Driver menu is start or stop.
2015/03/17 Michie Yokosuka
Fun little boat
This is a perfect little boat for a solo trip. Thank you!
lo amo es perfecto
este es un barquito muy divertido de manejar estoy feliz :)
Perfect Little Boat
This boat is awesome. I love it and its perfectly tiny. I especially love the color change options. Only bummer for me is that every time I use it and stand up off of it, it disappears. ; ;
Love it :)
this is a really cute little tug boat, only thing that I can find that might need to be tweeked is that pressing on the down key to go into reverse continues to send it forwards for a few seconds before going into reverse, other than that, it performs perfactly well, and can fit into small spaces, really a very cool and cute tugboat overall. :)