WASP Advanced Strategic Projectile Bow - Versatility in attack and defense.
Always be ready for every eventuality in combat. Pick the arrow type that best suits your current situation and never be caught off-guard.
Make your attack and immediately switch to shield mode to extend a protective barrier: instant safety from any retaliation!
Also included is a first-person view HUD that's fully optional but can enhance your immersion!
/ ! \ LLCS and NaniteSystem/ATOS enabled (rezzes physical bullets)
>> Four arrow types (hold down mouse button to charge up)
Lightning - paralyzes target (charged up: AoE thunder paralyze)
Gravity - makes target float (charged up: AoE gravity surge pulls targets in)
Poison - slows targets down (charged up: AoE poisoning)
Heal - removes status effects and heals/repairs NS units (charged up: AoE healing)
>> Shield mode (blocks most physical bullets and raycast guns)
>> NS/ATOS compatible
>> LLCS enabled (except healing, LLCS does not support it)
>> Advanced first-person HUD
>> Texture HUD with four variants: Desert, Urban, Jungle, and Wasp
>> Animated bow folding/unfolding on holstering/changing modes
>> String, arrow shots and shield are color customizable (plus NS color compatible)
>> Gestures for easy use included (G = Draw/holster, R = Ready bow, T = Turn shield on)
>> 100% mesh and materials enabled
>> Custom animations, meshes, effects and sounds
>> Compatible with the solares >> Yin-Yang Caster
- Four arrow types
- Shield mode
- Advanced first-person HUD
- Texture HUD
- NS / ATOS / LLCS enabled
Simple and perfect. I love the graphics.
Absolutely Perfect!!
I bought this with fairly high expectations for the price... and it absolutely exceeded them. It does everything i need it too do and is now my best weapon.
Feel the sting!
This bow is amazing fun to use, It's compatibility wiht NS makes it a blast for RP or even just fun if you have the Nanite Systems Controller but even with out it It can be quite a large amount of fun to play with, the different effects and customization of the bow give you so many things you can do with it plus it looks amazing holstered on the back. It's hands down my favorite weapon to use when I have reason to use a weapon