G Général

taikou / gaien market backdrop (boxed)

taikou / gaien market backdrop (boxed)

100% original mesh

this is backdrop only, not full building. cannot walk inside of it.

this product is material enabled.
4 vesrsions:
- with material (lights on)
- with material (lights off)
- without material (lights on)
- without material (lights off)

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love it
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 8/6/2018 de Lundy Leistone

the best <3

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 10/11/2017 de Holy13 Writer

Using it with another couple of backdrops to make one side of a street. The lighting effect is excellent, as is the texturing. Back can be retextured to make it a full, if non-functional, building. Good price.

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