This tip jar is mesh and it pings owner when tipped with a quick beep and a private message who tipped. The tip jar thanks the tipper by display name. It shows whose tipjar it is in the hovertext.
Slowly rotates. Click to pay. Scripts must be enabled on the land its rezzed for this to work and rez rights for the owner
Yes copy, see vid below and see inworld
Also check out the 'follower' tip jar in related items... and my other gadgets inworld - Visit this Store Homepage for Inworld Slurl !
yes copy yes mod script yes copy only and mesh 1li
See/ test inworld and vid link below
See item in Second Life View Video »- yes copy
Sweet Tipjar!!
I really like that it tells only me who tipped me and also says thank you to the person who tipped me. Thanks for making this!
i went to rezz it n n take my off it but it took it off it self
No editing allowed
It's cute.. I'd give it 5 stars if you could edit the L tip amounts or personalize the message, but the scripts are no modify.