G General

traffic report for sale / visitor counter / analyzer

traffic report for sale / visitor counter / analyzer

Keeps a record of who visited your place.
Set scanrange (10m..50m).
Report by ownersay OR by emails (every 24 hours).
Menu set up.

The recorded data includes name, total time spent,
last datetime the avatar was seen:

Example Avatar(275)(2009-11-22T09:58:42)

The Visitor Counter is smart! It keeps track of the number of UNIQUE visitors. This means that the same avatar will not be counted twice in the same day.

Reporting can be done either by clicking on the SAY LIST button or by setting an email address in the notecard.

Reports are then made and sent every 24 hours.

* Sends daily reports to any email account configurable through notecard.

* Set the sensor range from 10 to 50 meters. (Place more counters with a short range to get fine-grained area info.)

* The sensor sweep interval is preset and optimized for low lag. IT still sees everyone that stays in the area for more then 15 seconds however.

* The Trafic Reporter is modifiable, so you can make it more or less visible and easy to hide.

The no copy version reports total avatars, avatar NAMES, visiting time and average visiting time.

The copy version (Im me for one) doesnt report avatar names but only the first 8 digits of the avatar keys. (It anonimizes unique avatars)

See item in Second Life
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