PROMO, introductory price
A gigantic waterfall panorama, with many, many landscape versions, 3 caves inside and different sceneries! With simply click on the Control-Panel you have the opportunity to create your own cave world! Winter, summer, jungle, altitude landscapes and ... and ...
Whether winter, summer, autumn - Pirates cave or forest walk: with only two clicks, you can now create your own little paradise! Including of many different caves and scenes inside, rocks, plants, waterfalls, various seasonal trees, sculpted snow hills etc.! Discover on impressive 40 x 50meters, the new generation of convertible 3-D landscapes!
This is the new generation of changeable landscapes in the Low-Prim offer! Come to visit right now my Sim, click and be amazed! Create now, what amuses you, and adjust to taste all of the season!
Multi-Saison-Panorama. Per einfachem Mausklick änderst du das komplette Aussehen dieses fantastischen Wasserfall-Panoramas innen und außen! Winterlandschaften, Piratenhöhle, Hochland-Ambiente, Dschungel, Sommerwald... drei Höhlen innen und die kompletten Außenansichten änderst du mit Mausklick und kreierst so deine eigene Höhlenwelt und dein Wasserfallpanorama. Ob im Winter, im Herbst, Sommer oder Frühling: du bist immer in der richtigen Jahreszeit...
Click on the blue screen. This opens the menu mountains. Choose one of the landscapes. Now click on the green image. This opens the natural menu. Choose one of these offers.Change the clicks up and down (landscape and nature) and it builds up to a different environment. Also inside the cave at the same time change the impressions: Pirate's Cave, autumn forest, snowy winter cave, etc.
Klicke auf das blaue Bild. Es öffnet sich das Berge-Menü. Wähle eine der Landschaften. Klicke jetzt auf das grüne Bild. Es öffnet sich das Natur-Menü. Wähle eines aus diesen Angeboten. Ändere die Klicks oben und unten (Landschaft und Natur) und es baut sich eine andere Umwelt auf. Auch im inneren der Grotte ändern sich gleichzeitig die Eindrücke: Piraten-Höhle, Herbstwald, verschneite Wintergrotte etc.
Haga clic en la pantalla azul. Esto abre las montañas del menú. Elija uno de los paisajes. Ahora haga clic en la imagen verde. Esto abre el menú natural. Elija una de estas ofertas. Cambie los clics de arriba a abajo (paisaje y la naturaleza) y se acumula a un entorno diferente.También dentro de la cueva, al mismo tiempo cambiar las impresiones: Cueva del Pirata, bosque de otoño, la cueva de invierno cubierto de nieve, etc
Cliquez sur l'écran bleu. Cela ouvre les montagnes du menu. Choisissez l'un des paysages. Maintenant, cliquez sur l'image verte. Cela ouvre le menu naturelle. Choisissez l'une de ces offres. Changer les clics de haut en bas (paysage et la nature) et il s'accumule dans un environnement différent. Aussi à l'intérieur de la grotte, en même temps changer les impressions: Cave Pirate, forêt d'automne, la grotte de neige en hiver, etc.
Clique na tela azul. Isso abre as montanhas do menu. Escolha uma das paisagens. Agora clique na imagem verde. Isso abre o menu natural. Escolha uma destas ofertas. Alterar os cliques cima e para baixo (paisagem e da natureza) e acumula-se a um ambiente diferente. Também dentro da caverna, ao mesmo tempo mudar as impressões: Caverna Pirata, floresta do outono, inverno nevado caverna, etc
انقر على شاشة زرقاء. هذا يفتح الجبال القائمة. اختيار واحدة من المناظر الطبيعية. الآن انقر على الصورة الخضراء. هذا يفتح القائمة الطبيعي. اختيار واحد من هذه العروض.
تغيير نقرات صعودا وهبوطا (المناظر الطبيعية والطبيعة)، وأنه يبني ما يصل الى بيئة مختلفة.
أيضا داخل كهف في الوقت نفسه تغيير الانطباعات: كهف القراصنة، خريف الغابات، وكهف ثلجي في فصل الشتاء، الخ.
Ver el artículo en Second Life- Waterfall, Cave and Landscape Changer with Riverbed and caves
- Please view the pictures for Multi-Click-Exemples!
- Sound Menu, Remote Controll
- More than 50 variations with mouse click!
- ca. 40 x 50 m (mod/trans)
Dealing with the phantom
This is a mesh build, I believe. I have done some work on it. You cannot walk on any mesh without putting a prim (reguluar) base under it. This allows you to walk without sinking into the mesh. Simple fix is to just make a blank prim the meter size of this grotto build and put it just under the inner floor. you can turn it transparent in the edit tool in textures so it is not visible.For 3 linden this is a good buy. The rez box when you take the original one up you can reset a new box if you need to rez a new one. Thank you for the work building this and offering it for such a very low price.
А мне понравилось!!
Немного модифицировала под свой участок и все равно сценарий работает.Спасибо креатору!
say all you want about how its everyones fault but your own! it dosent explain the error messages or the fact once it is rezzed you can not derez..and then you attack ppl..when they tell you of the problem...WOW
Just Wow
This is just a bad build I get the water being phantom but EVERYTHING was phantom. Plus the rezzer kept giving script errors of missing pieces. The price is the only reason it got one star.
No way of Derezzing
Brought this and read the note card and their is no way of derezzing with out losing the build i had to buy another copy of this as i couldn't figger how to dereze and had to delete it and lost all the build
he doesn't tell you that everything is phantom and people can just walk right thru it .. its upsetting and makes me wish i could get my money back !