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{what next}Mayfair Trunk (saddle brown)

{what next}Mayfair Trunk (saddle brown)

The Mayfair Trunk could be an interesting alternative to a coffee table or great room filler.

* 10 animations * non-animations version included also

* 100% mesh - requires a mesh enabled viewer

* Permissions: copy/mod (scripts/animations copy only)

* Land Impact: 3

Please note: any other decor or furnishings in the pictures are not included


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Thank you for reading this listing!.

See item in Second Life
  • Mayfair Trunk - original mesh from {what next}
  • 10 animations * non-animations version included also
  • 100% mesh - requires a mesh enabled viewer
  • Permissions: copy/mod (scripts/animations copy only)
  • Land Impact: 3
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Perfect ♥
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 20, 2021 by Tabitha Hawksby

It's an adorable trunk. The detail in the edges and side straps is excellent. I wanted a tack box for my stable stall so it works for that too. Also I wanted something that was slightly red for Christmas and this totally fit the bill. The picture is exactly how it looks inworld. Just somewhere between brown and red. So it can be used all yr long. ♥

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