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winHUD SIM Prim Counter Version 1.4

winHUD SIM Prim Counter
winHUD SIM Prim Counter
1 Review

The particular feature of this hud is to manage a tricky count in an easy way: in fact, it allows you to easily and quickly count the number of prims in a region.

If you are a landlord or you rent skyboxes, you surely know that to count the total number of prims rezzed in a region is very difficult, due to the number of parcels and to the Object Bonus.

Therefore, to easily do that and to monitor the number of prims rezzed, it will be sufficient to wear the hud and let it work for you.

Click on the hud, and after few seconds all the details on the prims rezzed will be displayed. If you click on the PARCEL BUTTON you will obtain the count of prims rezzed for each parcel, in addition to the total count of prims rezzed in the region. While, if you click on the REGION BUTTON you will obtain the total count of prims rezzed in the region.

If you are also interested to have a system rezzed in your region notifying you when the total count of prims in the region exceeds a threshold you set, you could be interested in this other product: SIM Prim Counter (see Related Items below). It is available in two versions: no copy (if you have 1 or 2 sims) or copy (if you have more than 2 / 3 sims).

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Works as advertised
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted January 10, 2024 by Ghoul Macabre

A little overpriced for what it is, but it functions as advertised and suits my needs.

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L$ 900

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winLAB Technologies
winLAB Technologies
Sold by: Spartaco Zemenis

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