This Store
Sold by: Jenni Silverpath
Joined: July 28, 2010

Dedicated to bringing the best possible objectification and transformation experience to SL.

We accept feedback on anything, please don't hesitate to contact us. If you don't like something or have feedback, don't leave a bad review, IM Jenni Silverpath !

We strive ourselves on giving the best possible experience with both our products and customer service.

We stand by it and expect our customers to hold us to that.


Most products are Copy/Mod/No Transfer, except for HUDs and systems.

All items and systems are protected by copyright and Silenced will seek appropriate legal actions to prosecute anyone who uses them without permission.

~Silenced~™, the ~Silenced~ Logo and slogan "Silencing the Future™" are all trademarks of Silenced Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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