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SR Sasha Rain Apothecary Medicines
SR Sasha Rain Apothecary Medicines
Sold by: Sunsphere
Joined: April 15, 2016

Tal (hi) my name is Sasha Rain and I am a Physician in Gor Roleplay. I am available for emergencies whether for Earth or Gor. I create my own herbal medicines, and this is my store. It is open to everyone. You may buy it for your roleplay, to give to a patient after treatment or keep for yourself. If given to a patient, you will need to open the bottle and give the wear item to your patient for them to add to themself. Thank you for your purchase.


The items are no refunds. If there are any questions regarding the medicines, please send me a notecard. If there are any issues, please contact me.

Thank you
Sasha Rain

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