This Store
Zoe's Garden
Zoe's Garden
Vendido por: Adele Rhiadra
Te has unido: August 03, 2008

ZOE'S GARDEN - A flower store created to celebrate a love of flowers. Zoe's Garden carries sculpted flowers, floral arrangements, potted trees, outdoor landscaping and lighting, garden furniture, windchimes, docks, gazebos, fountains and wedding bouquets, as well as many other items to create your beautiful Second Life. Zoe's Garden specializes in creating unique and colorful arrangements that you will not find anywhere else in SL.


Zoe's Garden offers full customer support and strives to make every purchase a rewarding one. All items are available for inspection in world and so refunds are available only in cases where an item is broken and cannot be repaired or replaced. Please contact Adele Rhiadra either in world or at with any questions or concerns.

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