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The Dragon Lance Jousting System v4.0 is the most efficient, realistic jousting experience with the most features available in Second Life.

"The Dragon Lance system is a Legacy style joust which simulates RL jousting in several ways. In RL jousting, its all about accuracy, requiring a steady gait of horse, and fine adjustment of the lance. The Dragon Lance System v4.0 requires the same steady gait, rendering erratic moves ineffective. Be on target for the most accurate score which decides the winner, Also banners with COA's not a bracket board are used to identify matches and participants the way a knights shield did in Medieval times.

The v4.0 Jousting List & Board is a complete rebuild and massive upgrade of the v3.1. The vision was to create a more historically realistic, simplified representation of jousting in Medieval times. The List itself was simplified too, a simple central barrier, with rope outers. The List flags remain as a visual representation of the state of the List, and a jouster's readiness. While simple in appearance, this system supports Practice, Open Jousting, and full-out bracketed Tournaments of up to 24 jousters!


The v4.0 List/Board system supports 3 types of jousting modes: Practice, Open Jousting, and Tournament.

1st to 5: The first to 5 points, AND a higher score than their opponent wins.
1st to 10: The first to 10 points, AND a higher score than their opponent wins.
1st 3pt: The first, most accurate 3 point hit REGARDLESS of total score wins.
5 or 3pt: The first to 5 points, AND a higher score than their opponent, OR the first, most accurate 3 point hit wins.
10 or 3pt: The first to 10 points, AND a higher score than their opponent, OR the first, most accurate 3 point hit wins.
Open Play: any number of jousters may practice

Hits count for 1, 2 or 3 points depending on accuracy

Lance breaks on a 2 point hit and if enabled, an unhorsing for a 3 point strike!

Complete system is only 26 land impact and 2 scripts for the list and board

lance and hud combined is only 2 script

Unhorsing is built into the HUD and is enabled through RLV

Targeting dummies built into the list for solo practice

Keeps track of accuracy to 1/10,000th of a meter

All prims are modify so you can add your own texture

System is copyable so multiples may be used if needed, just change the channels in each

Any questions may be directed to Nephilim Ventris or KALIvRAHU Resident also demonstrations are available inworld.

Copyright © 2020 DragonLance Design

Artikel in Second Life anzeigen
  • User Friendly - Try demo inworld!
  • Joust, Fight, and Ride mode
  • Easy, accurate calibration
  • Customizable, extensive texture hud
  • HUD can be used with RLV for unhorsing!
Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star full star
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great lance and target
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 7.8.2020 von Poetic Enchantment

love the texture hud too it is a classy lance with great bullseye target work with unity maxim too I read which would be good for people who use that system too and a great prop lance for any knight.
love it.

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L$ 499

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Dragon Lance Designs
Dragon Lance Designs
Verkauft von: DragonLanceDesign

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