Take a look at our store, there's more than 20 items which is sold for 1-49 Lindens. Usually these items costs from 99-499 Lindens.
Screenshots are taken using different lighting and day-night cycle settings, to better show off it's effects on this build.
We're happy to release a new skybox, this time it's a hexagon open plan space. This build features high resolution textures, baked AO, custom, LOD and carefully made physics shapes, So we can promise you, this building while do what it's suppose to do - become a nice retreat space for your needs.
Size: 24 x 24 x 12 meters
Land Impact: 37
Baked Ambient Occlusion
Custom LOD
Custom Physics
I love all of SageBuilds, they're always very high-quality. This a really simple skybox, and suits my needs perfectly. I love it
love this build
I can't explain why, because it doesn't even have a door, but I just love of my favorite ever build purchases.
"Hexagon Skybox"
this isn't a hexagon (8 sides is an octagon)