Full Perm Pumpkins with two textures included as shown. Use the AO to create your own textures as whimsical as you like, or with natural color variations. The pumpkin is one land impact up to a generous size (1 meter square) but shrink that to a more normal pumpkin size, and you can link two together for that same 1 land impact. Pumpkin is one piece of mesh for easy resizing/reshaping, and two faces on one texture.
Please note and abide by the TOS below:
This item is full perm as are any included textures. You may save them to your hard drive and modify them for your own use. You may include this mesh item in your own builds and sell it when used in that manner. You may not resell this mesh as a stand alone item with full perms, either with my or with remade textures. You may not resell these textures in SL or in another venue. You are not allowed to give this item away for free as is, unless it has been altered in some manner (with the addition of other elements or your own textures). You are not allowed to sell or give this item away full perm. Copy/Mod no transfer, or Mod/Trans no Copy only. You are free to include this item in your own builds and price the final product as you see fit.
- Low Land Impact
- Textures Included
Exactly what I was looking for, needed and wanted! Another great purchase from this vendor.I have yet to be disappointed from any of my purchases from this creator.
Don't let the price fool you or discourage you because TRUST me, the quality is excellent and so is the LI and I highly recommend [INDO] to everyone.
Exactly what I needed
Exactly what I needed to make my own jack-o-lanterns!
Fab :)
Exactly like the photo.
Great bargain.
Thanks :)