Premium Directory Teleporter Version 1.1

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt Rezensionen (4)



Premium Directory Teleporter Board
Directory, multi location, grid wide and region wide.


✔ 9 panels, multi page, multi locations.
✔ Board returns to first page after 45 seconds or so when inactive.
✔ Up to 200 locations per board.
✔ Neat, simple and easy setup, just one landmark and one picture per location.
✔ Infinite pages browsing option on menu.
✔ Requires "experience" added and enabled in your land. (Steps included)
✔ Simple instructions included.
✔ Refer to pictures in this listing or live at our store.
✔ Easy to customize frame, buttons and labels with its own faces. Textures package included.
✔ Only 4 LI.

See it live at our Main Store, this board is located at the 1st level.



Copy and Modify.
All scripts are no mod.
Textures package included with full permissions.


Updated: February 2022.

Update v1.1:

✔ All boards will now return to first page automatically after 45 seconds of inactivity.
✔ Infinite pages mode on all models with option to turn On and Off on menu. ( When the board reaches the last page, returns to the first one and vice-versa, default is On)

As with all updates, they are free and if owned, you should have received a new copy, feel free to contact Andred Darwin if you did not received it for in-world purchases or use the redelivery option here at the marketplace.

I hope you will enjoy this item as much as I enjoyed creating it!
Any questions feel free to IM me. Have fun!


Andred Darwin.
LunaMare Designs.

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  • Teleporter Multi Location - Select - Click and Teleport
  • 9 Panels plus Main Panel - Multiple Pages
  • Just a landmark and picture drag and drop
  • Grid wide and region wide locations
  • Textures included for customization

Rezensionen (XX)

Durchschnittliche Einstufung: 5 Sterne Verteilung
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4 Stern:  (0)
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2 Stern:  (0)
1 Stern:  (0)
over the top support

Veröffentlicht 30.5.2024 von radioedit 5 Sterne

i had an issue and was very pleasantly surprised, Aldred came to the location and advised me how to fix .my mistake. super helpful..oh and the tp board?
5 stars works amazing, is gorgeous and comes in 3 different textures...
Aldred ..THANK YOU
youre customer support is top notch!!
thank you ..a fantastic product

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Super Support

Veröffentlicht 29.4.2023 von Coraline Heartsong 5 Sterne

Andred hat mir bei meinen Startschwierigkeiten sehr geholfen.
Beides - LandMarke und Bild müssen gleich heissen.
Beim Bild muss noch der Zusatz PIC stehen.
Ich habe bei beidem PIC zugefügt. Statt nur beim Bild.
# Blamier`Dich einmal am Tag und Du wirst frei #
Danke ! Wunderschöner Teleporter.

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen

(  verbleibende Zeichen)
LunaMare Designs
LunaMare Designs
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Verkauft von: Andred Darwin
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Dieser Artikel wird in Second Life direkt an Sie oder einen Freund geliefert. Er ist bereits ausgepackt und kann sofort verwendet werden. Es ist weder Land noch eine Sandbox erforderlich.

  • 5 Sterne 4 Rezensionen

  • Berechtigungen:
    Kopie Ändern Übertragen Benutzerlizenziert
    Berechtigungsinformationen sind in den Produktdetails zu finden.
  • Automatische Neulieferung
  • Auswirkung auf Land: 4
  • Netz: 100 % Netz