Steampunk Cane

Details Leistungsmerkmale Inhalt 5 Rezensionen


Updated 2/28/15 - Now includes additional animations! You can select the animation from the menu.

- Includes normal and specular textures. A materials capable view is recommended.
- Includes built-in standing and walking animations.
- Toggle between slow and normal walking speeds
- You can poke people and bonk people over the head, using either the menu, or the optional Poking HUD.
- Click on cane for options menu.

You must have a mesh-enabled viewer to use, and you must be on a sim that allows scripts to run.



Durchschnittliche Einstufung: full star full star full star full star half star
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I accidentally deleted this item
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 12.8.2019 von 7154

how do I get it back? I'm a noob so I didn't know what I was doing.

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Not what I want for 150 linden
full star full star full star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 24.6.2018 von VivianneBelle

The bad thing I can say is that I'm not very impressed with the built in AOs. They are clunky and quite ugly, and they rarely work properly. I'll start to walk and suddenly the animation freezes and I'm sliding along in one pause. I have to "reset" the AO by jumping or flying/landing. Not very impressed. I would also change the name from "cane" to "walking stick" as well.

Overall look wise though, very pretty steampunk stick :)

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Als Geschenk in den Warenkorb legen


Talevin's Designs - Staves, Wands and Curiosities
Talevin's Designs - Staves, Wands and Curiosities
Verkauft von: Talevin Whelan

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