[Wiz] IMPORTER Avatar Mesh to Blender 2.5 2.6

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-Blender 2.5/2.6 (32 bits)

DOWNLOAD http://wiz-bg.blogspot.com/

Demo Version: Free
- Default Linden Lab Female Mesh
- Skeleton
- UV Maps
- Skin Weights and Morph groups

Licensed Version: L$ Marketplace ( please test Demo version )
- Default Linden Lab Female Mesh
- Skeleton
- UV Maps
- Skin Weights and Morph groups
- Load Avatar Shape from new_archetype.xml
- 24 Default shapes (menu)
- 26 Initial shapes (files)

** For license contact me
** Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/38719
** Blender 2.5 - COLLADA import and export is not complete for rigged meshes

--- INSTALL --------------------------------------------------------------

Unpack archive, Copy/Move folder SLAV to [your blender path]\.blender\scripts\addons\
File - User Prefernces - Add-Ons - Import/Export - enable plug-in

Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package from

Import: Menu File - Import - SecondLife Avatar
Only skeleton: Menu File - Import - SecondLife Skeleton


Dump Avatar Apperance (shape):

Old viewers as v1.23
Menu - Advanced - Character - Character Test - Apperance to XML

New viewers v2.x.x
Menu - Advanced - Enable Develop Menu
Menu - Develop - Avatar - Character Test - Apperance to XML
(for Win7 - SL need to be Run as Admin)

Get from the game SL folder [your path]/SecondLifeViewer2/character/new_archetype.xml
Rename new_archetype.xml to avatar_name.xml


mail: the.wizarda@gmail.com

inworld IM to Wiz Daxter

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1 Stern:
I Hate It!

Veröffentlicht 3.1.2015 von TamaraMatthew 1 Stern

I Used My 3,000 $L For This But My Computer Doesn't Even Let Me Download It I Want My Money Back Its A Waste Don't Purchase It!

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misleading information from creator

Veröffentlicht 8.9.2014 von knotmaster 1 Stern

I have a mesh avatar body and I asked wiz several times if this plug in would down load that body so that I could make clothes that fit it, all times he said yes this would do the trick. surprise surprise it doesn't download the body only the shape and skeleton so it was a waste of $3000L

if your going to be working with a mesh avatar and it has a body that goes over a shape I wouldn't waste my money on this thing, I informed him that even though I asked him and he told me several times it would work for me and then it didn't ,I got no reply back from him guess he doesn't care because he already got my lindens!

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  • 4 Sterne 18 Rezensionen

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