See inworld at and touch for colour menu
A roomy, highly detailed gazebo perfect for gardens and scenic lookouts. Includes colour menu to configure individual sections of the building, with 7 materials-enabled colour schemes.
Regular edition: 29 land impact *
Low LOD edition: 14 land impact *
~ 10x10m default footprint (resizable)
~ 7 available colour schemes and 3 dome materials
~ Materials enabled (normal + gloss + spec) **
~ Mod + Copy perms
~ Easy customization menu options
* land impact subject to change when resized (smaller = fewer land impact, vice versa)
** Must have a supported viewer with the Advanced Lighting Model feature turned on in preferences. Instructions available at
Q: What is the difference between regular and Low LOD editions?
A: Regular edition includes LOD that can be viewed at a longer distance away at the cost of a higher land impact. The low LOD version is identical up close to the regular version, but degenerates at a shorter viewing distance. It is more suitable for use in smaller parcels, skyboxes, or indoor/mountainous terrain where long viewing distance would not be an issue.
All included textures are for customization and personal use only. Resale or distribution of the included textures or item on which the textures are used is strictly prohibited regardless of modification.
For more information, or if you have any questions, suggestions, and requests, feel free to send a notecard or IM to Isilmeriel.
Visit Isil's store at
Artikel in Second Life anzeigen- 2 LOD versions (regular: 29 Low: 14)
- 10x10m default footprint (resizable)
- 7 available colour schemes and 3 dome materials
- Materials enabled (normal + gloss + spec)
- Easy customization menu options
Excellently done on multiple levels
At a glance it looks pretty darn good. You got the 29 LI version and the 14 LI "Low LOD" version. Both versions look like as you see in the product preview picture. Cam out at a distance and the 29 LI version does use a lower poly LOD but does so in a graceful fashion that still communicates "This is a rotunda" while the low LOD version sort of collapse into a puddle of polygons like many other structures in Second Life.
This allows you to choose between a prim conservative build or a build that maintains it's aesthetic value when viewed at range.
The script has multiple different texture sets it can cycle through. You can independently texture the rotunda, the pillars, and the tops of the pillars.
The texture zones are each a 1024 texture, there's an additional texture zone for the bottoms of the pillars, the stone platform, and the decorative holes above each pillar.
Textures do have materials. The script that cycles them has a self-delete option that removes the script so when you got the structure set up the way you like it you can make it stop responding to clicks and save your self some server resources. If only more structures and plants with texture selection scripts did this.
The only real complaint I could muster on this is a rather minor fiddly one: The specular shine is baked into the metallic diffuse. (Yes they still have a materials driven specular shine that looks nicely metallic.)
Either way top marks and worth the money.
Fantastic rotunda
Everything you could ask for in a rotunda.
Amazing Work!
everything from Isil is always fantastic 5 stars!