- Profil
Established over 6 years ago, the Fotoshop at Fotoscope offers SL photographers a wide range of professional tools to enhance their photography. We pride ourselves on offering powerful tools at reasonable prices.
Our philosophy is to sell these tools as separate items so that customers are able to buy only what they need. We do have a variety of 'bundles' which offer discounted prices for those who wish to buy several items.
We encourage customers to try our demos before they buy and to read the information which we provide both inworld and on our website.
Although we have no objection to earning Linden $, our main focus(!) is photography and we are always happy to receive suggestions on ways to improve our products.
These include:
* the Dupose posestand for couples
* the Monopose posestand for singles
* the EyePod - take charge of your model's eyes!
* the FotoStudio - backdrops, lights,particle and glow effects for less than a thousand L$!
* the Lightscope - a highly configurable lighting rig
* the Fotolight - a personal set of lights which can be used as wearable photo lights
* the FotoFramer - HUD-based picture frames
* the FotoView - a simple but effective slide viewer with a choice of shapes, sizes and frame styles
* the FotoFrame - a simple, configurable picture frameWe also sell a range of other products in the Fotoscope Funshop including:
* the FoamDome - a mind-blowing dance floor!
* the Particulator - particle generator on a HUD. No scripting or typing required!
* a range of scripted chandeliers
* the Meditation Rock - a unique spiritual experience! :)
* the Fotocopier - purely for fun!
* the FotoMoter - also for fun with animations!Come and visit.... we're open 24/7!!
- Richtlinien
We will always respond to customer queries as soon as we can. Our after-sales service has never been criticised and has often been complimented!
If a customer is dissatisfied with our products or if they stop working for any reason, we will always be happy to provide a replacement for copy items or refund the full price (or provide a replacement) on Transfer items once they are returned to us.
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Fotoscope von Korgi Lerwick
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