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» Introduction
Despite how complex the scripts may be, this is a very simple product to use. Just type a
valid emoticon and voilà, it is displayed on the Smiley's face! You can make any combination of
parts. The only requirement is that you use eyes and a mouth.
Using the menu system with the Smiley is also quite simple. To trigger the menu event (have a dialog
pop up at the top right of your screen) just click the Smiley (but you should know that already because
you managed to get this notecard). Then just follow the option choices to configure your device. Choose
the menu Color to change the face color of your Smiley. To change the Scale click the Scale option and
pick the size right for you!
Here is a list of valid parts of the Smiley
) - Devil Horns
O - Angel Halo
[ - Top Hat
( - Beanie
a - Fedora
! - Exclamation Point
? - Question Mark
c - Kippah
Eye Brows[5]:
¦ - Normal (ALT-0166)
> - Angry
< - Innocent
| - Unibrow
8 - Tight Eyebrows
: - Normal
x - Cross eyed
X - Big Cross eyed
B - Lazy
3 - Down
$ - Confused
; - Wink
= - Long Eyes
0 - Cyclops
- - Normal
{ - Bushy Mustache
} - French Mustache
' - Tear
) - Smile
( - Frown
D - Big Smile
O - Big Gasp
o - Little Gasp
P - Tounge Out
| - Ambivalent
{ - Fangs
\ - Undecided
/ - Undecided
] - Boxy Smile
[ - Boxy Frown
x - Foot In Mouth
3 - Furry Animal of Sorts
U - Absent Minded
V - Thinking
J - Thin Smile
> - Goatee
~ - Devil Tail
C - Cape
hi! - Makes a little HI bubble next to your Smiley
rofl - Makes a little ROFL bubble next to your Smiley
lol - Makes a little LOL bubble next to your Smiley
lmao - Makes a little LMAO bubble next to the Smiley
» About
A few years back, before Mono, Sculpties, Glow, and many other features,
Kaira Overdrive created the first "Smiley". It had many, many combinations but it's only
downfall was it's usage of prims rather than scripts. This recreated invention, inspired
by Kaira, is now optimized for the current SecondLife conditions using less than 25 prims!
I hope you enjoy this product as much as I do! Thank you again for purchasing!
- Over 160k Face Combinations
- Change Color
- Change Texture
- Free Sandvich with Purchase!
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