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Bright TV and Radio - Enjoy web pages, video, music & parcel audio: bookmarks, media guide & more!

Bright TV and Radio - Enjoy web pages, video, music & parcel audio: bookmarks, media guide & more!

* Surf the web, watch video, listen to music, set parcel audio!
* Watch the TV anywhere, use the radio to set parcel music on your own land
* Built-in help system and media guide: links to videos, films, music, and more
* Allow visitors to use their radios on your land: ideal for landlords!


A Bright TV lets you browse the web, watch videos, and listen to music within Second Life.

Bookmark your favourite URLs, and explore the built-in Media Guide to find material of all kinds.

And your Bright TV will work anywhere. You don't need to own the land on which you use it.


The Bright Radio lets you set and change "parcel music": the background music visitors hear while they are on your land.

While sound from the TV is localised - getting quieter the further you are from the source - this parcel music is heard by everyone at the same volume: perfect for your own home, or the largest public venue.

Bookmark your favourite music streams to build your own, menu driven, audio library: or choose from the list of recommended Internet radio stations we maintain at the Bright Corporation website, which your radio can download on demand.


Rez as many TVs and radios as you wish.

You can configure each to be usable only by you, only by group members, or by anyone.

You control which bookmarks are available, but can let others choose which of these to play.

And don't worry that you, or a visitor, might leave a TV on pointlessly annoying others. If the TV is not being watched (with no one within twenty metres) it will quietly switch itself off after fifteen minutes.


Your radio uses a separate aerial to change the parcel music on your land. A single aerial will serve any number of radios.

You can even configure your aerial to support Bright Radios belonging to other members of the land group, or even to anyone at all. If you do, they'll be able to use their own Bright Radios on your land. This might be useful if you rent space on your land to tenants, for instance.

Or if you are the tenant, you may still be able to use your Bright Radio if the landowner has set up a publicly accessible aerial. And even if they haven't, the aerial is copyable and transferable: if they agree, you can give them an aerial to set up for you.


If you have access to hosted public web space, you can create lists of bookmarks to keep online. This means that if you rez multiple TVs or radios, you can configure them to use the same lists. You can even give the URL of the list to others, allowing them to share your choices.


Please note that Second Life cannot play all audio or video streams, and some streams depend on other software installed on your computer, so different users may see different results.

Whether a given URL will play does not depend on the device used to play it - all SL TVs and radios simply pass URLs to the SL viewer itself for reproduction - so we are afraid we cannot help with playing particular streams.

But a huge amount of media of all types is broadcast through the net, so there is something for everyone: and any URL which the SL viewer on your computer can play, it can play through your Bright TV and Radio.

FOR FULL INFORMATION VISIT http://brightcorporation.net/tv-and-radio - CLICK 'VIEW VIDEO' TO VISIT!

Download instructions See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Surf the web, watch video, listen to music, set parcel audio!
  • Watch the TV anywhere, use the radio to set parcel music on your own land
  • Built-in help system and media guide: links to videos, films, music, and more
  • Allow visitors to use their radios on your land: ideal for landlords!