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Buzzard Tech Vehicle Version 1

Buzzard Tech Vehicle

Buzzard Tech Vehicle [32 prims]

The “Buzzard” is a flight vehicle with twin rotor fans and a rear jet. It uses powerful, antigravity controls for stability and jet thrusters to carry you through the air. When you sit in the pilot seat the twin fans automatically start to spin. You can learn to fly it in just a few seconds. There's lights you can turn on/off in chat and the pilot seat has menu-driven pose adjustments to accommodate different avatar sizes.

Features include:
- Fast and easy to fly
- Twin rotor blades spin while flying
- Adjustable pilot seat
- Pilot cockpit canopy opens/closes
- Lights on/off with chat commands
- Fan sounds, rear flame jet plume
- DNA-locked version included for owner's use only

Flying the Buzzard Tech Vehicle.
Touch the craft or right-click the pilot seat and select "pilot". Once you're seated, the anti-grav engines a start up and the rotator fans start to spin as you hover gently. Now, you can move by using the forward/backward arrow keys to adjust the speed, use the left/right turn arrow keys to bank and steer, and use the PgUp and PgDn keys to climb and descend. Once you're moving, you'll see the jet streaming out at the back. You can continue to fire the thrusters and move as long as you keep your finger on the forward arrow and you can even steer as you accelerate.

Hold the Ctrl key down as you use the left/right arrow keys to move sideways. You can carry out some nifty sideways-sliding moves once you've got the hang of it.

Cockpit Canopy
You can operate the drover's canopy dome by typing OPEN BUZZARD or CLOSE BUZZARD in chat.

Adjustable pilot seat
You can adjust the position of the pilot pose for whatever size avatar you use. Once you are seated, type "/1 menu" and an adjustment menu will appear, with buttons for nudging the pose up/down and forwards/backwards. Once it's adjusted for your avi, your vehicle will remember your settings the next time you get on.

Rotor Fans.
When you sit in the pilot seat, the twin fans automatically start to rotate and continue to rotate until you gets out. You can also control them by typing FANS ON or OFF in chat.

Lighting controls.
Your vehicle is equipped with three powerful headlamps and a surrounding set of red lights. You can control the front ones by saying BUZZARD LIGHTS ON or OFF. Turn the red ones on and off by saying BUZZARD RED LIGHTS ON or OFF.

You can use the PageDown key to descend. Once you've landed, just stand up and the engines cut out automatically and the fans will stop turning. When parked, the vehicle will normally place itself into a slight hovering position just off the floor.

If you stand up while you’re still flying, the vehicle will turn off any forward motion and lock its vertical and geostationary position. So, you can park next to a high landing platform or the top of a docking column by hopping out of your pilot's seat when you're in position. It's then safe leave the vehicle.

The vehicle is DNA-locked, a security feature that allows only the owner to fly it. You won't have any worries of someone else jumping on and flying off with it after you've parked it.

Please contact Brenda Hoisin in Second Life if you have any problems with this Exosphere product.

These vehicles are all scaled perfectly for use with the Exosphere Modules such as the Landing Terminal, the Landing Dome and the Vehicle Service Bays.

Please contact Brenda Hoisin in Second Life if you have any problems with this Exosphere product.

  • Fast and easy to fly, Adjustable pilot seats
  • Twin rotor blades spin while flying
  • Fan sounds, rear flame jet plume
  • Lights on/off via chat
  • Pilot cockpit canopy opens/closes
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Most Awesome Vehicle - worth every Buzz!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 20, 2022 by Asarauser

Honestly, this one is fun to fly. Smooth, engine sounds cool and amazing, lights work as described. Glad I purchased this and loads of fun.

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Another great low prim vehicle
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 12, 2022 by Stephan Frontenac

I've enjoyed flying this one around my desert skybox where it's color scheme blends in immersivity. It flies like I would expect a copter like vehicle to handle. Having only 32 prims means I can leave it out, unlike some similar sized vehicles that are much higher. All and all, I'm happy with this vehicle, once again an incremental improvement in quality and detail for Exosphere vehicles.

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