Laser sight
Light effects
Muzzle flash
Shell ejection
Smoke particles
Custom animations
Custom sounds
Dual or single Wielding
HUD Controlled or chat commands
Moving slide
The CSP Compact Dual handguns are designed for Role play and general combat/protection in SL
Every texture has been hand painted. Many hours have gone in to scripting to ensure these guns meet RP weapons guide lines
And of cause work extremely well right down to the very fine details from superior bullet rezzing techniques and shell ejection
Read on to find out more.
HUD over view:
The HUD will give you a visual display of the guns current settings for example ("also See picture");
Ammo type "Training"
Speed "35"
Firing mode "Semi-auto"
Silencer "On"
Attachments "On"
Rounds# "9" or "16"
Shell ejection "On"
Particles "On"
Muzzle Flash "On"
You can change your guns settings even before you have unholsterd them also the HUD will always remember the
Settings you have selected even after you have detached all the attachments or have completely logged out
Making it perfect for RP Sims as you can always trust your guns are using the correct ammo and allowed settings at all times
Operation ("Please Read before Using");
After Unholstering you will have a single gun in your right hand this can be used as a single right handed gun
To obtain the second hand gun you must click options and click DUAL this will unholster the second weapon to remove
The second gun simply click the DUAL button again to go back to using the single right handed handgun all animations
Will be configured in this changing from single to dual such as holding/aiming/recoil the hud will also remember your dual
("Please note Single left handed firing is not available with these guns"); only single right handed firing.
Will Holster the gun/guns you have wielded.
Two different firing modes are selectable Semi-Auto that will fire on each click of the left mouse button
Fully Auto that will fire for as long as you have a fully loaded magazine and holding down your left mouse button
Burst mode has not been implemented as I don’t believe it is practical.
The bullets are rezzed from the camera position rather than prim position.
When this button is clicked the HUD will expand out with the weapon options
: Magazine size: you can select from a 9 round to a 16 round Magazine
When selecting the 16 round magazine the avatar will be animated to remove the 9 round mag and replace it with
The 16 round mag. also the gun will now show an extended Magazine
: Muzzle flash on will enable the muzzle flash
: Muzzle flash off will disable the muzzle flash ("muzzle flash will automatically be turned off when the RP setting is selected");
: Particles On will enable smoke particles
: Particles Off will disable smoke particles ("particles will automatically be turned off when the RP setting is selected");
: Bullet info on will turn on a text info that will display your current bullet type and how many rounds you have in each gun
This is a requirement for some RP Sims
: Bullet info off will turn this text info off
: Silencer ON will turn the silencer attachment on and also change the firing sound to a silenced handgun sound
: Silencer OFF will turn the silencer off and reconfigure the firing sound to a non silenced handgun
: Attachments On will show light and laser attachments on the gun
: Attachments Off will hide light and laser attachments on the gun
: Auto will set these guns up to be automatic firing and this option combined with the 16 round magazine
Can be very impressive.
: Chat channel this gives you the option of easily configuring a custom chat channel used for command input
: Holster Resizer this gives you holster strap resize buttons you can easily change the size and positions of all 4 straps at the same time.
: Semi-Auto will set the handguns to semi-auto firing mode meaning you must click each time you want the guns to fire
Please see the PDF file for more information
Download instructions See item in Second Life- Laser sight
- Muzzle flash
- Smoke particles
- Custom animations
- Silencer
those gun are very realistic and amazing effects
i also know the creator and know how she like details in each her product
the pic dont show how amazing are you must see them on world
good job hoohaa love those gun ;)