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*D&D* ZA2/ Combat Aura MK2 (DEMO) Version 20230220

*D&D* ZA2/ Combat Aura MK2 (DEMO)

WP-ZA2- Combat Aura MK2 Weapon Individual pack (DEMO VERSION)

Only includes the DISPLAY version of aura Type 5: "Thunder Frame"

. Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
. Optimized mesh-based visual effects with low rendering cost.

As an alternative defense system to the shields, combat auras can absorb combat damage (GVG CS) and convert to their own energy, and automatically activate when gather enough energy.

Activated aura prevents combat damage automatically. It will not slow down your movement or require extra input to defense.

Full version includes 5 auras:
Type 1 - "Force Field" (Rendering cost: ~1100)
Type 2 - "Fire Ring" (R.C.: ~3500)
Type 3 - "Frost Aura" (R.C.: ~6000)
Type 4 - "Storm Wall" (R.C.: ~3500)
Type 5 - "Thunder Frame" (R.C.: ~5000)

Each aura effectuates differently in combat. Please read descriptions below for details.

. On/Off Toggle via HUD
. safe/unsafe mode available
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
particles dynamically changes color following the aura's main color.
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (requires GVG system 2.22b or higher)
non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build sims.
. Size changeable via scripts

. DUMMY Aura (type-5 "Thunder Frame" )
. HUDs & User guides


. You can only wear 1 defense system at the same time. Which means you can not wear more than one aura during combat, and, if you wear an aura as a combat system, you can not wear another shield for combat.
To choose aura or shield for combat, is up to the player's own decision.

There are 2 ways to build up energy for the aura:
. Charge Stance (CS) = Hold PageDown Key (C key)
the stance to start charging
Energy Cost: -25% per second (builds up energy)

. Combat Damage absorbed from enemy's attacks. (auto)
Energy Cost: -10% per hit

* note that the aura CAN NOT absorb attacks that has less than 10 damage. i.e. if your enemy attacks you with a weapon of 9 damage, the aura will fail to absorb the damage.

when the energy of aura reaches 200%, it will activate automatically.

. Aura's has effects automatically, no extra controls needed

. Depends on types, the aura will have different effects:

Type 1 - "Force Field" : when activated, reduces 1/2 combat damage (GVG CS)
(Works completely the same as Combat Aura MK1 Type-A "Ki-Blast", but activates faster.)

Type 2 - "Fire Ring" : reduces 1/2 combat damage.
reduces 50% more damage when attack by Fire-based damage.
takes 50% more damage when attack by Aqua-based damage.

Type 3 - "Frost Aura": reduces 1/2 combat damage.
reduces 50% more damage when attack by Aqua-based damage.
takes 50% more damage when attack by Fire-based damage.

Type 4 - "Storm Wall": reduces 1/2 combat damage.
reduces 50% more damage when attack by Wood-based damage.
takes 50% more damage when attack by Elec-based damage.

Type 5 - "Thunder Frame": reduces 1/2 combat damage.
reduces 50% more damage when attack by Elec-based damage.
takes 50% more damage when attack by Wood-based damage.

Fire aura strong VS Fire, weak VS Aqua;
Aqua aura strong VS Aqua, weak VS Fire;
Wood aura strong VS Wood, weak VS Elec;
Elec aura strong VS Elec, weak VS Wood;

Non-Elemental Aura has no strong or weak VS attribute.

. Energy Cost: 10% per 3 seconds,
and another 10% per hit

* note that the aura CAN NOT absorb attacks that has less than 10 damage.

i.e. if your enemy attacks you with a weapon of 9 damage, damage will bypass the aura.

When energy drops to <5%, aura deactivates automatically.

. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Although the scripts are tested for several times, but there could be small errors we haven't noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.

. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission settings. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.