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*D&D* EVA01- Evangelion Unit-01 Test Type (Boxed) Version 20130409

*D&D* EVA01- Evangelion Unit-01 Test Type (Boxed)

EVA01- Evangelion Unit-01 Test Type Full Avatar

For Full size images, view:

. This avatar requires viewer that supports alpha mask (SL2.0+, Pheonix, Cool, SnowGlobe, etc.)
. Avatar is: +M+C-T
Scripts inside are: -M+C-T
. About 8’ ft tall (standard male avatar size)

Model includes: (parts / attach point)
. Helmet (skull)
. Chest Armor (chest)
. Upper Arm Armor (L / R upper arm)
. Forearm Armor (L / R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hand)
. Pelvis Armor (Pelvis)
. Upper Leg Armor (L/R Upper Leg)
. Lower Leg Armor (L/R Lower Leg)
. Foot Armor (L / R Foot)

. EVA01S-ZES7 Progressive Knife (Melee Weapon)
. EVA01X-ZXE1SP Pallet Gun (Range Weapon)
. EVA01D-ZDE2 A.T. Field (Defense System)

HUD system
. Uni-HUD (v5.3+)
. Warrior AO HUD
. Color Changer HUD

. User guides
Including MAIN user guide, Weapon user guide & HUD user guide
. Alpha Mask, body Shapes & clothes

EVA01S-ZES7- Progressive Knife User Guide

Designed for low-lag, realistic-style combat.
Base on ZS7 Beam Saber MK7 with customized moves. A short range, but extremely deadly weapon due to is high speed and high damage output.

<<<<<<<<<<< Combat Guide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

. Activated via uni-HUD (sword icon) or by touching the sheath

All physical attacks have 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status.(GVGCS)

Attribute: C=Cut /I=Impale /S=Smash

reLax Stance (LS) = when not holding any button
Ready Stance (RS) = Left Mouse button
Tactic Stance (TS)= (Hold) PageDown key (or C key)

Cool Down Period (CD): A 1.5 second interval after some combo attacks.

(1): Light attacks: Hold(RS) + Forward (or W key)
. 5-chain combo slash. Short range but deadly.
. Damage: 13C-> 13C-> 13C-> 18C-> 18C-> (CD)

(2): Heavy attacks: Hold (RS) + Backward (S key)
. Thrust attacks that extends attack length.(3-combo)
. Damage: 15I-> 20I-> 20I

(SP1A): Rising Kick: Hold (RS) + PageUp (E key)
. Rising attack, lift enemy into mid-air.
. It can be a starter of moves (SP1B) and (SP2)
. Damage: 10S + [Lift Up]

(SP1B): Spinning Kick: after (SP2A), Hold (RS) + PageUp (E key)
. Follow by (SP1A) or after a jump, a mid-air spinning attack that cause Smash damage and blows enemies away.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. Damage: 15S + [Blow away]

(SP2): Missile Kick: after (SP1A), Hold (RS) + Forward or Backward (W / S key)
. Follow by (SP1A) or after a jump, a forward kick that has auto-aiming effect. It detects a valid target, moves to its front and damages it.
. Must perform before landing on ground.
. If it detects no valid target, will still moves you 7m forward
. Distance & Range: 15m & .25*pi
. Damage: 20S + [Fall Down]

(SP3): Vibro-Edge: Hold (TS) + Backward (S key)
. A short range forward thrust that causes severe damage if hit.
. Damage: 45C

(SP4): Sonic Slice: Hold (TS) + Forward (W key)
. A Wide range forward slash.
. Distance & Range: 5m & .5*pi
. Damage: 20C

EVA01X- ZXE1SP- Pallet gun User Guide

. This item can be Switch on/off by:
/ By entering command “/75 /ls buster_on” and “/75 /ls buster_off” (without comma)
/ By using the Gun Button in Uni-HUD

. The animation playing on your avatar is not fully synchronized with the actual rotation of your avatar in-world. I.e. when you see your avatar facing north, it may actually facing north-east. The laser on the gun may mislead you to the wrong directing of aiming. For best aiming, fire at MOUSE LOOK (first person view) mode. Use m key to enter/leave mouse look.

Attack Attribute: I=Impale

Ready Stance (RS) = Hold Left MouseKey
Tactics Stance (TS) = Hold PageDown key

(1) Fire: (RS) + Forward (or W key)
Damage (GVG): 15I per .75 second (*MHHQ damage = 1/10 GVG damage, trims to integer)
Energy cost: 4% per .75 second
Distance: 15m Range: ~.4 pi

(2) Manual Reload: (TS) + PageDown (or C key)
Starts Manual Reload and recharges energy.
Recharge time = ((100% - energy left)*.05 (rounded to integer)) - 1 second
(From 1 ~ 4 second)

. Auto recharge will trigger when there's no energy left
Or when trying to fire, but has not enough energy to trigger a shot
Auto recharge time = 5 sec.

See item in Second Life