WP-ZG4-Grand Blade MK4 "Yatagarashu" Weapon Individual pack (DEMO)
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A Katana with long range & good power, but slightly slower attacks.
Correctly combos the light & heavy attacks allows you to perform powerful EX-combo skills.
Self-embedded Defense module, allow you to use defense move and even more SP skills. Lots of combat tatics avliable.
. On/Off Toggle via HUD/sheath
. Realistic combat style, chainable combo attacks
. safe/unsafe mode avaliable
. n-way Color-changeable via HUD
Bladeflare dynamically changes color following the blade's main color.
. Compatible for "Safe mode combat" (GVG v2.22b+)
non-rez type of combat that allow you combat even in no-build sims.
. Self-adaptable blades. Won't break down even when changing linksets. Feel free to add
more details and customize your own weapon!
. Camera control (beta) simulates impact effects of the weapon, brings more realistic of combat.
All attacks has 5% chance of causing "Gravity" status
Atttack Attribute: C=Cut / I=Impale
Ready Stance (RS) = Hold Left Mousebutton
Defense Stance (DS) = Hold PageDown key
.(RS)+Forward (/W Key)
Light Attacks(LA), faster but lower damage
13 combos:
(15C)->(15C)->(15C)->(15C)->(20I+[Fall Down])
EN Cost: -2% (builds up energy when attack)
. (RS) + Backward (S Key)
Heavy Attacks(HA), slower but higher damage
10 combos:
(5+5+15C)->(5+30I+[Fall Down])
EN Cost: -3%
. (RS)+ Shift(Hold) + Left/Right(A/D Key)
Left/Right Strafe Slash.
Damage: 15C (left) / 10 (right)
EN Cost: -1%
. (RS) + Up(PageUp/E key)
"Soul Rouser" (Support Skill)
Awaken the hidden power in the weapon.
For the Next normal attack:
25% Chance to trigger LV1 EX-Combo Skill
or 5% Chance to trigger LV2 EX-Combo Skill
EN Cost: 10%
. (RS) + Down (PageDown/C key)
Backward Roll. (Evasion Skill)
(Release movement lock & breaks combo chain instantly.)
EN Cost: 5%
. (BS) Defense Stance.
Prevents 1/3 combat damage
(can not prevent an attack that has lower than 10 damage)
EN Cost: 1%
. (BS) "Just Defense": Hell Gate Sword (ZG4)
Tab Defense Stance when enemy is attacking.
If the timing is correct (within .5 sec),
prevents all combat damage of that attack, and counter attck with
a heavy slash. No EN cost.
Damage: 15C + [Lift Up]
. (BS) + Fordward (W Key)
Stinger (ZG4)
Auto-Aiming attack. Move to the front of detected enemy and attack.
Effective distance: 15m
if not detecting anything, will move your avatar 15m forward.
Damage: 15C + [Fall Down]
. (BS) + Backward (S Key)
Skyward Slash
Lift attack. Lift enemy into mid-air.
Damage: 15C + [Lift Up]
. (BS) + Shift(Hold) + Left/Right(A/D Key)
Raven Wing
Slash cause an airwave to damage enemy 15m forward
Damage: 15C
EX-Combo Skills:
All chainable combo attacks must chained within 0.7 second, if successfulychained, EX-Combo Skills will be triggered.
. 4*LA + 2*HA
= LV1 - "Invisible Black"
Damage(GVG): 10+10+15C+[Lift Up]
Energy Cost: 20%
. 6*LA + 3*HA
= LV2 - "Infinity Nigritude"
Damage(GVG): 10+10+5+20I+[Blow Away]
Energy Cost: 40%
Safe / Unsafe Mode
. Weapon's default status is in unsafe mode. damagers will rezzed in this mode. In safe mode, non-rez combat available, supported by GVGCS v2.22+
. To enter/leave safe mode, input:
"/75 safe" / "/75 unsafe" in chat or thouch the "heart" icon from Uni-HUD
. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Althought the scripts are tested for several times, but there could be small errors we haven't noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.
. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission settings. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.
See item in Second Life