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(GL)3E Calabash Smoking Pipe Version 1

(GL)3E Calabash Smoking Pipe

Gryphon Lair
"Three Estates" Game System
The Gryphon Lair "Three Estates" game system (or "3E" in brevity) is a modular MMO / RPG game revolving around the Medieval period. It features tactical-oriented / skill-based combat with a team support system, resource gathering elements, and many other interactive features.

Survival Gear: Calabash Smoking Pipe
A transportable morale replenishing device in 3E gaming. The medieval smoking pipe was commonly used for medicinal purposes - inhalation of herbs to cure various forms of sickness, to alleviate pain or insomnia, and / or to provide general rest and relaxation of the mind.

Type: Calabash Smoking Pipe
Length: 12 inches
Pipe Bend: Full
Bowl Shape: Calabash
Usage quantity: 28 uses, +10 morale points per use
Dependency: Needs Nutrients Cache to replenish depleted herbs
Animations: Various facial and body animations
Particles: Pipe and mouth smoke effects
Misc: Two styles of pipe holding - hand-held and mouth-held

Package contents:
• Smoking pipe mouth attachment (trans)
• Smoking pipe hand attachment (trans)
• (GL)3E Survival Gear HUD controller (copy)
• Supply bag pelvis accessory (mod / copy)
• Product updater object (copy)
• Product guide note card (copy / trans)

*Special note: To economize on prim count / land impact, for efficient scripting functions between objects (i.e., 3E gaming functions), and for safeguarding game coding / to minimize cheating, the models of this item are necessarily combined in an external 3d ap (or group linked) - resulting in a minimization of prim counts, efficiency in scripting functions, and a minimization of open channel chat communications (a contributor to sim "lag") - all in all for the user's benefit. Contains link set child number script dependencies (this is not a builder kit) - thus the pipes are set to "no-mod" to prevent breakage of scripting functions and all other aforementioned integral design elements as well.