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Harm's Way Zeke Hair browns

Harm's Way Zeke Hair browns

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The Zeke hair includes rigged mesh hair and beard ,rigged mesh headband and non rigged mesh hat. It also includes alpha layer, full perm alpha texture(in case you need to mod it), and texture change HUD.
The hair and beard have 7 main texture options and five overlay highlight options,you can combine then to customize the color of your hair.
The headband has 15 texture options bandana print in red,blue,black,white,brown,grungy and solid green,blue,black,red,tan,brown,camo, also rebel and patriotic prints. The hat has 6 texture options black,wheat,rust,white,brown and blue.
To change the textures you can just wear the texture change hud or when you are wearing the hair select it in your inventory and right click and choose touch and bring up the pop up menu.. You can also choose to hide the headband or the hat. The hat is non rigged so you can change its position from edit mode.

L$ 99

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Harm's Way
Sold by: Harmini Idlemind

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Mesh: 100% Mesh