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MSHWORX~Phantom Chandelier Steel Ruby Tintable Crystals PBR

MSHWORX~Phantom Chandelier Steel Ruby Tintable Crystals PBR

MESHWORX the Phantom Chandelier with PBR textures!

*** Details***

► High Detailed mesh cryatals

► Land Impact (Prim Count): 6

► Permission: Copy/Mod Only ~ NO Transfer

►the Ruby crystals can be tinted to any color of your choice by going into the SL build/edit/texture mode.

► Menu driven light script. NOTE: you can turn the light on and off buy touching the light bulbs or if you touch the BODY you'll bring up the LIGHT MENU...
*Radius = how far the light will go
*Falloff = how soft the edge of the light is,
*Color = create your own color of light,
*Intensity = how strong the light is


MESHWORX Disclosure & Store Policy

All MESHWORX items are 100% mesh, hand crafted in a 3D program called Maya. All textures are custom and lighting/shadows baked for a very realistic look by Loz Hyde, owner and creator of MESHWORX. NO templates or prefabs are used.
We pride ourselves on the feel of realism and attention to detail in every MESHWORX product created.

We strongly advise that you have some experience and knowledge of MESH, also physics and LOD
Remember, modifying mesh differs from traditional prims or sculpted objects.
1) Texturing: You risk losing any baked lighting, materials or shadows on a mesh piece when you change the textures. Unfortunately, we do not sell our textures or shadow maps with any items or custom projects.
2) Resizing: Due to how second life calculates mesh, resizing a mesh item could possibly increase the original prim count and could disrupt scripted animations or scripts.
© Copyright 2021 MESHWORX All Rights Reserved.

See item in Second Life
  • PBR textures
  • Mesh Crystals
  • C/M
  • Tintable Crystals
  • 6 Land Impact