Military Gate and Gatehouse
This is a one prim mesh Military Gate and Gatehouse. It is unscripted and not intended for actual use. Great for role play or staging scenes!
You are free to use this item in your personal builds and for your builds you intend to give away or resell. However, you must set the permissions on any of your builds that use this item to either no copy or no transfer, but never with both. You are also not allowed to resell this item individually and not improved.
Mesh items will often vary widely in the land impact they have, based on the size of the objects and the level of detail they have. Therefore, prim counts offered for these items are only estimates to be used as a general guideline for the object and your actual prim count in use may be different. They also often require that they be made phantom and used with support prims to go inside or walk upon them, like sculpted objects.
If you have any questions about this item or its terms of use, contact Life Camino.
- 100% Mesh!
- Full Perms with Texture!
- Unscripted static model!
- Great for role play or staging scenes!
L$ 99
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed