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* PiXeL pUsS * ARK Soldier White/Black Photon Blaster Only

* PiXeL pUsS * ARK Soldier White/Black Photon Blaster Only

CCS and DCS2 Compatible! Copy only.
Blaster says: ''Arming Photon Cannons''
High powered Photon Blaster equipped with Plasma Grenade Launcher! Uses state of the art onboard Female AI computer systems only found in ARK Soldier gear. (Female robot voice, laser sounds for each type, reload sounds, sling sound, grenade reload sound, grenade launch sound, explosion sounds.)

Includes: Sling holster, 9 Animations, Animated Muzzle Flash, Particle Ejection System, Silencer, 3 Laser types (Damage/Training/Lagless Damage), Plasma Grenade Launcher.

Weapon Commands:

All Commands work in local chat unless you specify additional/alternative channels for the weapon to operate on.

"g" to Fire the Grenade Launcher.
(you must be in mouselook mode for this to work. once in mouselook, press return to enter local chat and then press g.)
"d" or "draw" to draw the weapon.
"r" or "reload" to reload the weapon.
"vel.250" or " vel:250" to adjust the velocity of the weapon.
"sling" or "s" to sling the weapon.
"nofx" to disable special effects.
"fx" to re-enable effects.
"single" or "semi" to enable semi auto.
"a" or "auto" to enable Full Auto.
"db" or "damage" to Arm the Standard damage round.
"tb" or "training" to arm the training round.
"ldb" or "lagless db" to arm the lagless damage round.
"sil" to toggle the silencer on/off.
"help" to obtain this notecard.

Along With chat commands the blaster is Also Menu Driven simply click the gun when drawn to explore the menu.

Crouch, Prone, Standing Animations.
These Animations can be toggled by hitting Page down or through the Menu.

Blaster says: ''Deactivated''

** Dont miss out on completing your outfit with the ARK Soldier Jumpsuit, specifically designed to accompany your Blaster.**

Found here:

  • Photon Blaster + Plasma Grenade Launcher CCS, DCS2 Compatible!
  • 3 Laser types (Damage, Training, Lagless Damage)
  • Silencer + Muzzle Flash + Sci-fi Sounds
  • Particle Ejection System
  • 9 Animations (Standing, Crouching, Prone, Reload, Aim, Etc)
Average rating: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
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Wonderful but doesn't work with the DCS Hub
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 02, 2018 by juiceygirl13

Wonderful but doesn't work with the DCS Hub.

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 18, 2012 by FalconM9S

The gun itself looks great, the only thing i'm disapointed about is the fact that
1) you cant turn on the standing anim's, as id rather he held it loose in one hand as its used with a sword.
2) When you draw the weapon, it makes an annoying mosquito sound that drives me nuts & cant be turned off
3) When you shoot the weapon, the bullets fly all over the place, off to the side in clumps & not in a straight line as youd expect, making it bannable in most sims, and useless for combat on others.

It's a shame because the sounds when firing are great as are the looks of the weapon.

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