Slide Show Screens
Mesh is mod, script is no mod.
Land impact is 1 until approximately 7 meters wide, and goes up to 6 land impact at 64 meters wide.
You can manually change the color of the frame by editing and "select face".,
You can try to add a texture to the frame too, but the mapping is not really made for it to be textured.
The slideshow works fine only with at least 2 pictures inside (if you want to use one for a single picture, make your settings and delete the script).
To get the slideshow menu clic the red button on the frame,
The menu is locked for one user for 30 sec after using it,
it means the menu is working for 1 user and for 30sec each time you use a button,
except if you clic the [Exit] button then anyone can use it immediately..
Owner Options :
"Clic/Next" is to turn on or off the option to clic the screen to go to the next picture,
"Public Drop" is to allow other people to drop their pictures inside your slideshow.
"Lock" is to lock or unlock the menu (it will work only for the owner and for the group if group option is enabled).
"Group" is to make the menu only for group members (same group as the slideshow).
"Timer" is to set how long a picture is displayed before it changes for the next one.
"Effects" opens the effects menu.
Effects Options :
"Pic Opacity" is to choose the opacity of the picture (more or less transparent). You also find a full bright on/off button there.
"Glow" is to set a glow level to the picture.
"Fade" is to turn on or off the fade effect at picture change.
"Screen Noise" is to change the opacity of the screen noise effect (0% to turn it off). You also find a full bright on/off button there.
"Noise Color" is to choose a color for the screen noise (you can also change it manually for any other color you want).
"Zoom" is to turn on or off the zoom in and out effect.
Group menu is same as owner menu but without the "Group" button.
Public menu is only "Timer", "Effects", and "Clic/Next" buttons.
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