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"Taurus" ancient minoan necklace

"Taurus" ancient minoan necklace

Thank you for your interest in this authentic collectable item. This is an attempt to recreate a necklace of a priest of bull worship cult from ancient minoan age.
The priests of this cult practiced a ritual of bull leaping. This ritual consisted of an acrobatic leap over a bull; when the leaper grasped the bull's horns, the bull would violently jerk his head upwards giving the leaper the momentum necessary to perform somersaults and other acrobatic tricks or stunts. This ritual is depicted on numerous frescos and other artistic artifacts of that period.

The "Taurus" necklace is not a replica of any known existing minoan jewelry. I do not know if bull worshipers wore any jewelry and if they did - how it looked like...

This necklace is just another fantasing of mine inspired by Bronze Age, mysterious minoan civilization, the vision of the bull leaping ritual, and the legend of the Labyrinth of Knossos and Minotaur...

The necklace is made of 254 prims, mostly sculpties. The gemstones used used in the necklace are rubies (on the arrow head shaped pendants) and the central stone is the most gorgeous precious opal that I have ever made. The opal has compound structure - it closely imitates the translucency and the creamy appearance of the best real world opals.

As I mentioned, the necklace made of 254 prims and most of them are high quality high resolution sculpties.
Sometimes the use of large number of sculpted prims may cause a certain bug which is called "a bug of disappearing prims". Even though from distance the necklace looks flawless and gorgeous, when you zoom in you may notice that some of the partss are missing and some of the stones "fell off". When you zoom out, the necklace seems to be back to normal. This is a known bag which is related to last viewer version and it's not in any way related to structural integrity of the necklace.
It may be easily fixed if you complete the following steps:

1. Show the "Advanced" menu with Ctrl-Alt-D, or Opt-Ctrl-D on a Mac.
2. Select "debug settings" near the bottom.
3. In the blank space, copy and paste the word:


4. Bellow you'll see a number - the default value is 4096, setting it to 6000 or above will fix the problem; I recommend setting it as high as 6000 - in my browser it was enough to eliminate the problem.

(You might have to wait up to 30 seconds after adjusting the value to see any effect. Be patient.)


I am absolutely confident that you will love this authentic ancient minoan jewelry piece, but in any case my policy allows you to receive full refund providing you return the original item and show the transaction history (or slx sale history).

Enjoy another fine creation from INCA TEMPLE!

If you like the item, please consider visiting my main store where you will find vast variety of finely crafted RP jewelry and accessories for the most discriminating taste in virtually any price range!

See item in Second Life
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One of my favorites
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 24, 2016 by SisterButta

I bought this when I first joined SL....and it remains one of my all-time favorite pieces. Like everything from this creator, it is both beautifully made and wonderfully creative. Thank you!

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