- Profile
Tattoos for Classic and Mesh bodies.
Belleza, Maitreya and Omega System Appliers and also the BoM Layer.Please, if you have any problem with one of the tattoos, contact me in world and I will do my best to fix it for you, or help you to apply, contact Kemi Miles before giving me a bad review, I got some really unfair reviews lately, with "problems" that could be fixed easily or sometimes wasn´t even problems.
If you want any tattoo in this store, and it still doesn´t have the BoM layer in the package, contact me and I will make it for you.
A tattoo no need to be expensive to be good, so if you like the tattoo you bought in my store and want to add others to the same tattoo layer, you can look the other tattoos in this store and contact me in world (Kemi Miles) I can add them in the same layer for 100L$ each one.
I´m updating all the tattoos in this store to work with bakes on Mesh (BoM) so please be patiente.
K- Policies
If you buy it twice, I will refund you
If you buy it and didn´t like it, I´m sorry, I only ca refund you if you show me an issue...
I also will refund you if I see the applier isn´t working and we tried together to make it work.