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Lastat Productions
Lastat Productions
Sold by: Lastat Daxter
Joined: October 30, 2009

Full product documentation and update information can be found at

Since 2009, Lastat Productions has been providing you, the customer, with affordable, efficient, and easy to use gadgets that aid you in your Second Life. Our products are designed around usability and productivity, while eliminating unnecessary lag and lengthy set-up procedures.

Lastat Productions is here to assist you in promoting your business so it may grow and flourish, stopping at nothing to provide the best customer service and experience while using our products.

We also provide a free support group upon purchasing an item. This closed support group consists of over 1000 active members for peer to peer assistance when a CSR or myself is unavailable.

Find us on YouTube

100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed!!


Since all products are sold with copy permissions and are not transferable, it is impossible to return the product, therefore we don't issue refunds.

However, updates that address bug fixes and/or new features, are 100% free. You may also request a re-delivery of any item, at any time, regardless of where you purchased it.

Please note: items listed as modifiable pertain to the prims ONLY. W

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